I'm David Metcalf. Thanks for dropping by my corner of the web!
I am a developer based in Sacramento, California. My core skills are JavaScript, CSS & HTML. I enjoy using those in the context of a library like React or Svelte to build scaleable apps. I also love to use them in their natural, unaided state, like this site! I have intentionally left it simple and lightweight to keep the focus on the content.
While I changed careers to web development in early 2020, my prior career was in sales and hospitality. I went from scrubbing dishes and busing tables as a teen, to running wine programs as a sommelier in my 20s and early 30s. I moved into sales and eventually managed the operations, ecommerce and marketing of a renowned winery in the Sierra Foothills.
Have a look around and checkout some selections from my work on the portfolio page. Hit me up or view my resume on the contact page, where you'll also find links to my blog and social media.

- TypeScript
- JS ES6+
- React
- Astro
- Svelte
- Node
- Python
- MongoDB
- Django
- CSS3
- Sass
- Grid & Flex
- Tailwind
- Bootstrap
- Figma
- Storybook
- Miro
- Canva
- DevTools
- A11y
- OOP & Functional
- Data Structures